Monday, November 13, 2006

Prayer!!! (Capture the flag this wed @ 8pm)

You can’t show someone you love them or have a relationship with someone if you aren’t communicating with them. Prayer is lifting our hearts to God and our way of communicating with Him.

Mass is prayer perfected. In it we not only communicate our hearts to God by participating in all 4 different types of prayer, we take part in the Eucharist which brings us into a perfect heavenly union with God. Heaven kisses earth at consecration. God gives his body to us in perfect love in the Mass as a bridegroom gives himself to his bride.

Types of Prayer (stuff in brackets is when we do it at Mass)
Adoration – Praising God (Gloria and Alleluia)
Contrition – Asking for God’s forgiveness (Kyrie Eleison)
Petition – Asking God for a favor (Prayers of the Faithful)
Thanksgiving – Showing God gratitude (Eucharist)
Some different ways of entering into prayer



lectio divina

Office of the Hours/Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office/Brievary

(Also called the prayer of the Church)


Singing Holy Music

Just remember that your prayers are always answered. They may not be answered in the way that you want, but God who knows you inside and out, and better than you know yourself will answer your prayers. Our God will answer them in his time when he sees it is best.

Prayer is asking in faith. This is an opportunity for you to show your faith and perseverance in prayer.
Faith is to be sure of what you hoped for, and the evidence of things unseen.

Christ and the Agony in the Garden… “take this cup away from me, but not my will but your will be done.”

It's like using a cell phone......

Are you answering your phone?
Do you have good reception? Does your phone have static?

Just remember God's phone is always on, he never has a dropped call, and he's got infinite bars of reception. He is always listening, and always speaking to you. Are you always listening and always speaking to Him?

Pray without ceasing.

And don't forget, you can talk to Jesus face to face. He's in Catholic Churches everywhere.....Jesus is in the gold box! Or sometimes if you're lucky in a monstrance exposed. You don't have to imagine him, he's right there.

If you have any questions, leave a comment or e-mail Val


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