Monday, March 26, 2007

Holy Week!

Did you know...that Palm Sunday is also the 22nd World Youth Day? We get to celebrate World Youth Day in our own diocese this Year. Click here to check out Pope Benedict's message to you (...and me) for World Youth Day!

To watch live coverage of Holy Week at the Vatican Check THIS out!

Vatican TV, so rad.

For Online Stations of the Cross to Increase your God time as Holy week approaches Click on the picture!

More stuff about Holy Week can be found....Here! Click for More on Holy Week!
While searching for stuff to do with Holy Week I found this amazing video. This man is such an awesome servant. Check it out.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Your path to holiness.

Hey everyone,

I hope we've kicked up your interest in learning more about why John Paull II called our bodies a Theology. We are in our substance studies of God! So cool. So go live out your sexuality the way God wanted you to.
For more awesome info on Theology of the Body check out
It's my alma mater's TOB site.
Here's a recap from last night.
Life Night #16 Vocations
-a divine call to God's service or to the Christian life.
-a function or station in life to which one is called by God: the religious vocation; the vocation of marriage.
Primary vocation - to live in union with God.

Secondary vocation - marriage? religious life? consecrated single life? priesthood?

How are you going to follow God's plan for your life?

Objective: Closing up Theology of the Body.
The world is a nasty place, full of lies about our sexuality and it's function.
In the celibate consecrated life you live out the heavenly ultimate marriage on earth.
Marriage is meant to be the sign post for our ultimate heaven.
If you want to change the world, listen to God’s calling and live out your sexuality the way it was meant to be lived, as redeemed by Christ.

How do you think you can live with your gift of sexuality in a celibate life? – living a celibate consecrated life is to live out our ultimate vocation, which is union with God. Our bodies are used sexually in marriage. In marriage we are pointed towards heaven. Marriage is like a road sign on our way to heaven. It is not our ultimate fulfillment. The destination of heaven and union with God is our ultimate vocation and fulfillment. If you know your purpose in life so well that you will become a “eunuch for the kingdom” you are skipping the road sign and going straight to living out the marriage on earth. Our ultimate fulfillment is to be married (in loving union) to God. If we can marry God while we’re still alive….Kudos!!! This is the celibate life. This is the religious life. The consecrated celibate life.

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of the priesthood?
is it this?

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of a nun?

is it this?

"I will wait for as long as you wish. It's just that I do not want our union to be delayed through any fault of mine. Meanwhile, I am going to do my best to make myself a beautiful wedding dress, all studded with jewels. I am sure, my Beloved, that when you consider it sufficiently adorned, no one will be able to prevent you from coming down and uniting me to you forever."
-St. Therese of Lisieux
(Awesome Bride of Christ. She was a carmelite.)

Why do you think there’s a shortage of priests? - Misconceptions about the priesthood, poor understanding of sexuality, poor catechesis about the Catholic Church, Men are emasculated in the media – portrayed as dumb, weak, beefcakes, only self-seeking instead of self-sacrificing. Being a priest is no cakewalk. If you are to be another Christ to His Bride the Church, you've got to be willing to go all the way and say "This is my body given up for you." To leave everything and follow Christ.

What do you think are some of the attractions in being a religious sister or monk? Living Heaven on earth!!!

Have you ever known a priest or nun that has made a big difference in your life?

What’s your reaction to marriage cannot be your ultimate fulfillment?

Marriage is only the road sign. You don’t stop and say “I’m here!” when you see a road sign that tells you you’re 50 miles from your destination….it points us to our heavenly marriage with Christ, but we cannot expect another human to fulfill our ultimate longing, if we do we’ll smother that person.

What’s your reaction to “God wants to marry you?”

Do you ever think you could be a priest or sister? Why or why not?

Why do you think it’s important for a priest or a nun to also have the qualities of a good mom or dad?

They are spiritual mothers and fathers.

What do you think it would be like to live a cloistered, contemplative life?

A sample
Still confused?

More Awesome Vocations Info

Vocations Office - Seattle Archdiocese

Vocations Office - Vancouver Archdiocese (Yes, Canada)

Vocations Video for girls

Info for Girls:

Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious

Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal

Sisters of Life

Missionaries of Charity

Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart

Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia

Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist

Abbey of St. Walburga this is the one I was thinking of joining :)

Poor Clare Sisters

Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration

Info for Guys:

Vocations Video for guys

Mount Angel Seminary

Seminary of Christ the King (Benedictines)

Franciscan Friars

Dominicans Western Province

Carmelites Western Province (the order that Fr. Matthew, Fr. Charles, and Br. Laurence are from)

Missionary of Charity Fathers

Missionaries of the Gospel of Life

Legionaries of Christ

Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter


Love, Love, Love....Check out this website if you're just overwhelmed and want to read more about Love, Vocations, and Purity. There's a ton of cool stuff on here.

Pure Love Club

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Contraception and Abortion

You want to know about Contraception?
to read
or Here
or Here

If you Like Listening Better.....

click below
Why Contraception is Wrong: [ReadAudio] or [MP3 Format]
Teaching NFP and Stopping Abortion: [RealAudio] or [MP3 Format part 1 and part 2]
Sorry, I couldn't find any videos for you who like visuals more.